My dog has an open sore on her abdomen

HELP My Dog has a Liver Tumor- is very.
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My dog has a round open sore on her side.
Dogs: open sore on dog (bloody), epsom.
This is a discussion on MedHelp about My dog not eating and no energy. Community members of MedHelp provide help, support, guidance and discussion around the topic of
My dog has a round open sore on her side.
Expert: Patti - 5/29/2006. Question My elderly dog Shadow, Shepherd/mix, has again eaten herself raw..No hair or shin in two areas -- abdomen & left thigh area
My dog has an open sore on her abdomen
My dog's skin is turning black. This.My dog has an open sore on her abdomen
HELP My Dog has a Liver Tumor- is very.Volkswagen Touran
Question - My dog has a round open sore on her side the size of a dime.. Find the answer to this and other Dog Veterinary questions on JustAnswer.
An detailed look at survival times and the information you need to avoid being sad all the time when you have a dog with cancer.
Normal 0 Hi I am new to the forum and I am needing advice as I am extremely upset at this moment, my dog brownie who is 14 yrs old.. he is very